E-commerce Loss
This Working Group is focused on helping retailers and their suppliers to better understand the challenges of identifying, measuring and controlling the losses associated with E-commerce retailing.
As the volume and proportion of sales continue to grow through E-commerce, retail loss prevention teams are having to understand and address a fundamentally different risk landscape – requiring new knowledge, skills, and tools.
This ECR Working Group is leading the way in helping retail teams navigate this new landscape, not least through mapping the contours of this new terrain and providing a forum for sharing and learning.
Research papers
Our research papers offer groundbreaking insights and actionable outcomes to help retailers and their partners better manage the many ways in which profits can be negatively impacted by all forms of retail loss. Produced by some of the leading academic experts in the field of retailing and loss prevention, they are all free to download.
Our Meetings
ECR Retail Loss Group regular working group meetings provide an opportunity to network with industry peers, hear updates on the latest research and sector initiatives, and development new skills and insights. All retailers, CPGs and academics can participate at no cost.