Food Donations: What do Charities want from retailers?
Date and Time:
December 7th - 1pm UK
7 Dec 2:00 PM
Ignacio Gavilan, Global Food Banking Network, George Wright, CEO Fare Share, Cheryl Wetherburn, Zero Food Waste, Tesco.

Charities are playing a critical role for retailers, ensuring that surplus food is redistributed to humans. However, food donations from retailers to charities is significantly decreasing year on year as retailers improve their operations and the “competition” for surplus food has increased, with initiatives such as Too Good To Go, etc. What help do charities want from retailers to address this declining volume?
The meeting will start with a look at these trends and implications for charity donations from Ignacio Gavilan, Senior Director, the Global Food Banking Network, then hear from George Wright, CEO of Fare Share on an ambitious new initiative to increase food waste donations from producers, and then finally from Cheryl Wetherburn, Zero Food Waste, Tesco, on the initiatives her business are imagining that can halve food waste with their suppliers. We will then open up a discussion and hear updates from the retailers in the meeting.
This meeting is for retailers, CPG's and academics only.
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